
What is Prevent?

The College has a statutory duty, along with all other public bodies in the UK under the Counter-Terrorism & Security Act 2015, ‘to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’.

Within universities and colleges, the term ‘Prevent’ refers to measures taken to safeguard members of the University and College community who might be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.

What does this mean for the College?

The College has established a Prevent Management Group, with responsibility in this area. The members of the Prevent Group are:

Senior Tutor (Prevent Lead)

Domestic Bursar

College Dean

Head Porter

Conference Manager

MCR President

GCSU President

Role of the Prevent Management Group

The Prevent Management Group’s role is to ensure that the College addresses its statutory duty. Important elements of the Group’s work are:

  • providing information and training to staff engaged in the provision of student welfare and pastoral support
  • producing and overseeing a protocol on the management of speakers and events
  • maintaining an effective dialogue with the Students’ Association to manage the process among the student community

Where, in relation to the Counter-Terrorism & Security Act, members of staff and/or students raise concerns regarding the wellbeing of students, or the invitation of potentially controversial speakers, or the staging of potentially controversial events, the PREVENT Management Group will provide advice and ultimately will make decisions on the College’s behalf.

Policy on meetings on College premises

What does it mean for me?

If you are concerned that an individual may be at risk of being drawn into terrorism, please follow this procedure to help you take the appropriate action.

What about freedom of speech?

The College is strongly committed to the principle of freedom of speech and expression, a right enshrined in law. 

Freedom of Speech statement

Other Links

University Statement on Freedom of Speech

University Prevent Guidance

Last updated September 2022