Who's who in the Chapel

The Dean

The Dean is the Revd Dr Cally Hammond.

The Dean's Vicar

The Dean's Vicar is The Revd Canon Dr Nicholas Thistlethwaite and he assists the Dean.


The College currently has two organists who play a vital role in enriching divine worship at Caius. Harrison Cole is the Assistant Organist and Eben Eyres is the Peter Walker Organ Scholar.

Other students at the College assist in the day-to-day running of the Chapel as clerks. The Senior Chapel Clerk is Lauren Harrison-Oakes, the Junior Chapel Clerk is Layo Akinola and the Additional Clerks are Connor Singleton, Luke Mason and Oscar Poulson. Offers of help and involvement from other members of College are very welcome; just email senior.clerk@cai.cam.ac.uk.


The Chapel & Choir Administrator is Claire Wheeler (choir@cai.cam.ac.uk/deans.secretary@cai.cam.ac.uk).