Meet our Admissions & Outreach Coordinator

Hello! My name is Bethan Holloway-Strong and I am the Bethan smiling at the cameraUndergraduate Admissions & Outreach Coordinator at Gonville & Caius College. I have a dual role: from October to January, I support the administration of the undergraduate admissions process, and from February to September, I contribute to outreach activities.

In my work with the admissions team, I work with the Undergraduate Admissions Officer to deliver the College’s admissions process, including interviews, communication, and documentation. In my work with the outreach team, I work both online and in-person with schools and colleges across the College’s link areas to encourage students from a variety of backgrounds to consider applying to Cambridge. I work closely with the rest of the outreach team, especially the Schools Liaison Officer, the Tutor for Admissions & Outreach (Dr Chris Scott) and the London Outreach Officer (Gwyneth Hamand).

I graduated from Newnham College, Cambridge in 2022 after completing my degree in English. During my degree, I became involved in outreach work as a student volunteer. I also come from an administrative background, having worked in two University departments.

I moved around a lot as a child, and was educated in three countries. The individual support I received from outreach practitioners was invaluable in giving me the information and confidence I needed. I want to continue that practice in my own work, making sure that each student feels empowered to make the choice that is right for them. Higher education and competitive universities are a path that anyone should feel welcome in.

From October to January, my role is dedicated to admissions, so I am happy to help with any admissions-related queries. From February to September, I work with the Schools Liaison Officer to host visits to College, visit schools myself, and deliver our online outreach offerings. I can deliver presentations on a variety of topics, including applying to university in general, the Cambridge admissions process, university finance, and student life. To get in touch, either email the general inbox (to reach the outreach team) or my personal inbox I look forward to hearing from you!