Welfare and support
We hope your time at Cambridge will be one of the most enjoyable periods of your life. There may be times, though, when for one reason or another things can get on top of you. The Cambridge term is short, and the best way to stop minor problems becoming serious is to tackle them early. Support put in place to help you by fellow students, the College and the University can often help you deal with things if they arise.
At Caius, we have a range of ways you can share problems and find advice, help and support. These range from our unique "College Parents" system, which links Freshers up with two second years who show you around and sort out any early concerns, to our own on-site College Nursing team, who deal with health issues (whether physical or mental) and also offer counselling and wellbeing advice. Each student has a College Tutor who is available to discuss academic or other problems.
The Gonville & Caius Student Union has its own welfare team, and the College also runs a Peer Support team made up of students who have been specially trained to help you. Outside of College, the University Counselling Service is available to help with problems ranging from stress and anxiety to specific issues such as eating disorders and addictions.