Professor Louise Gullifer KC

  • College positions:
  • University positions:
    Rouse Ball Professor of English Law
  • Subjects: Law


MA Jurisprudence (Oxford), BCL (Oxford)


Research interests

Professor Gullifer teaches and writes extensively in all areas of commercial and financial law, especially secured transactions and financial collateral, intermediated securities, set-off and personal property.   She is the editor of Goode and Gullifer on Legal Problems of Credit and Security and has co-authored a number of books on commercial law and debt financing, including The Law of Security and Title Financing, The Law of Personal Property, Corporate Finance Law : Principles and Policy and Set-Off in Arbitration and Commercial Transactions.   Her most recent co-edited volume is Intermediation and Beyond (2019), which considers the advantages and disadvantages of the holding of securities through the intermediated system, and the way forward.  She is currently co-director of a project on digital assets, and is writing and editing a series of books on secured transactions law and reform around the world, of which the volume on Africa will be published in 2019.  She has acted as an expert witness in cases concerning set-off, intermediated securities and insolvency law.


Teaching interests

At Oxford I have taught (at undergraduate level) Roman law, Contract Law, Tort law (2000-2005), Commercial Law, and (at graduate level) Corporate Finance Law, Legal Concepts in Financial Law, Corporate Insolvency. At Cambridge I will be teaching Contract law, Commercial Law, Corporate Finance law and Corporate Insolvency law.




M Dubovec and L Gullifer, Secured Transactions Law Reform in Africa (Hart Publishing 2019) (forthcoming)

L Gullifer and J Payne (eds) Intermediation and beyond (Hart Publishing, 2019)

H Beale, M Bridge, L Gullifer and E Lomnicka, The Law of Security and Title Financing (3rd edn Oxford University Press 2018)

L Gullifer (ed), Goode and Gullifer on Legal Problems of Credit and Security (6th edn Thompson Reuters 2017)

M Bridge, L Gullifer, K Low and G McMeel, The Law of Personal Property (2nd edn Thompson Reuters 2017, supplement 2019)

O Akseli and L Gullifer (eds), Secured Transactions Law Reform: Principles, Policies and Practice (Hart Publishing 2016)

L Gullifer and J Payne, Corporate Finance Law : Principles and Policy (3rd edn, 2019 (forthcoming),  2nd edn Hart Publishing 2015) (1st edition 2008)

L Gullifer and Stefan Voganauer (eds), English and European Perspectives on Contract and Commercial law: Essays in honour of Hugh Beale (Hart Publishing 2014)

P Pichonnaz and L Gullifer, set-off in arbitration and commercial transactions (Oxford University Press 2014)

L Gullifer (ed), Goode on Legal Problems of Credit and Security (5th edn Sweet & Maxwell 2013)

M Bridge, L Gullifer, S Worthington and G McMeel, The Law of Personal Property (Sweet & Maxwell 2013)

H Beale, M Bridge, L Gullifer and E Lomnicka, The Law of Security and Title Finance (2nd edn Oxford University Press 2012)

L Gullifer and J Payne (eds), Intermediated Securities: Legal Problems and Practical Issues (Hart Publishing 2010)

L Gullifer, W-G Ringe and P Thery (eds), Current Issues in European Financial and Insolvency Law (Hart Publishing, 2009)

L Gullifer (ed), Goode on Legal Problems of Credit and Security (4th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2008)

H Beale, M Bridge, L Gullifer and E Lomnicka, The Law of Security and Title Finance (1st edn Oxford University Press 2006)



L Gullifer and J Sarra, ‘Crypto-claimants and Bitcoin Bankruptcy: Challenges for Recognition and Realisation’ International Insolvency Review (forthcoming)

L Gullifer, 'A comparison of the position of buyers under the Cape Town Convention, the three existing Protocols and the draft MAC Protocol.' (2018) Cape Town Convention Journal (forthcoming)

L Gullifer and I Tirado, 'A global tug of war: a topography of micro-business financing' (2017) Law and Contemporary Problems 109

L Gullifer and I Tirado, 'Financing Micro-businesses and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions ' (2017) Uniform Law Review 642

'‘Sales’ on Retention of Title terms: is the English law analysis broken?' (2017) 133 Law Quarterly Review 244

L Gullifer, H Beale and S Paterson, 'A Case for Interfering with Freedom of Contract? An Empirically-Informed Study of Bans on Assignment' (2015) SSRN, [2016] Journal of Business Law 203

H Beale, L Gullifer and S Paterson, 'Ban on Assignment Clauses: Views from the Coalface' (2015) 30 Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 463

L Gullifer, 'Should clauses prohibiting assignment be overridden by statute?' (2015) 4 Penn State Journal of Law and International Affairs 47

L Gullifer, 'The interpretation of retention of title clauses: Wilson v Holt generates some difficulties. '(2014) Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 564

L Gullifer and S Hurst, 'Bills of Sale: Ripe for Reform?' (2013) 11 Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 685

L Gullifer, 'What should we do about Financial Collateral?' (2012) Current Legal Problems read more

L Gullifer, 'Personal Property Security Law: Where Next? Part 2 ' (2012) Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 541

L Gullifer, 'Personal Property Security Law: Where Next? (Part 1)' (2012) Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 465

L Gullifer, 'The reform of the English law of secured transactions' (2012) 213 Droit et patrimoine (Kluwer) 72

L Gullifer and V Barns-Graham, 'The Australian PPS reforms: what will the new system look like?' (2010) 4 Law and Financial Markets Review 394

L Gullifer, 'The reforms of the Enterprise Act 2002 and the Floating Charge as a security device' (2008) 46 Canadian Business Law Journal 399

L Gullifer, 'The Law Commission’s Proposals: a critique' (2004) 15 European Business Law Review 81

L Gullifer, 'Will the Law Commission Sink the Floating Charge?' (2003) Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 125

L Gullifer, 'The Cosslett Saga: Implications for the law of security over personal property' (2002) 20 Companies and Securities Law Journal 177

L Gullifer, 'One Cause After Another' (2001) 117 Law Quarterly Review 403 [Case Note]

L Gullifer, 'Constructive possession after the Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1995 ' (1999) Lloyds Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 93

L Gullifer, ‘Idiosyncratic buyers: who takes the risk?’  (1997) 16 Tr. Law 29

L. Gullifer, review of Atiyah’s Sale of Goods (9th ed.) [1996] LMCLQ 298

L. Gullifer, Recovery of misappropriated assets: orthodoxy re-established? [1995] LMCLQ 446


Book chapters

L Gullifer, 'Flawed Assets' in G Virgo, S Worthington (ed), Commercial Remedies: Resolving Controversies (Cambridge University Press 2017)

‘Secured Transactions’ (jointly with M Raczynska) and ‘The Reform of the English Law of Secured Transactions’  in McKnight, Paterson and Zakrzewski on the Law of International Finance (2nd edn, 2017 OUP).

'Should Clauses Prohibiting Assignment be Overridden by Statute?' in Orkun Akseli and Louise Gullifer (eds), Secured Transactions Law Reform: Principles, Policies and Practice (2016)

L Gullifer and M Raczynska, 'The English Law of Personal Property Security: Under-reformed?' in Orkun Akseli and Louise Gullifer (eds), Secured Transactions Law Reform: Principles, Policies and Practice (Hart Publishing 2016)

C Cook, H Anderson and L Gullifer, 'National Report for England' in N Vermunt, D Faber, J Kilbourn, T Richter, I Tirado (ed), Ranking and Priority of Creditors (Oxford University Press 2016)

L Gullifer, 'Piecemeal reform: is it the answer?' in Frederique Dahan (ed), Secured Lending in Commercial Transactions (Elgar Publishing 2015)

L Gullifer, 'Compulsory Central Clearing of OTC Derivatives: The Changing Face of the Provision of Collateral ' in L Gullifer and S Vogenauer (eds), English and European Perspectives in Contract and Commercial Law (Hart Publishing 2014)

H Anderson, C Cooke and L Gullifer, 'National Report for England ' in D Faber, N Vermunt, J Kilborn, K Van de Linde (ed), Treatment of Contracts in Insolvency (Oxford University Press 2013)

L Gullifer, 'Exceptions to the Nemo Dat Rule in Relation to Goods and The Law Commission's Proposals' in J de Lacy (ed), Personal Property Security Law Reform in the UK (Routledge Cavendish 2009)

L Gullifer, 'Mixtures, Attornment and Reservation of title ' in Palmer (ed), Bailment (2009)

L Gullifer, 'Protection of Investors in Intermediated Securities' in J Armour and J Payne (eds), Rationality in Company Law (Hart Publishing 2009)

L Gullifer, 'Retention of title clauses: a question of balance' in Andrew Burrows and Edwin Peel (eds), Contract Terms (OUP 2007)

L Gullifer and J Payne, 'The Characterisation of Fixed and Floating Charges' in J. Payne, J. Getzler (ed), Company Charges Spectrum and Beyond (OUP 2007)

L Gullifer, 'Quasi-security interests: functionalism and the incidents of security' in Iwan Davies (ed), Issues in International Commercial Law (Ashgate 2005)

L Gullifer, 'Agreed Remedies' in A Burrows and E Peel (eds), Commercial Remedies: Current Issues and Problems (Oxford University Press 2003)

L Gullifer, 'Risk. Frustration and Mistake' in E. McKendrick (ed), Sale of Goods (2000)