Mr Barry Hedley
- College positions:
Emeritus FellowFormer Senior Bursar and Director of Studies in Management Studies
- Subjects:
MA in Mechanical Sciences and Chemical Engineering (Cantab), MBA (Harvard), CEng (MIET)
Awards and prizes
- Cambridge University’s Rex Moir Prize (1966) and TRC Fox Prize (1968)
- Gonville & Caius College, Schuldham Plate (1968)
- Harkness Fellowship, Baker Scholarship, Harvard University (1970)
Research interests
Linking dynamic strategy formulation and execution processes explicitly to the continuous maximisation of shareholder value and enhancing this by the use of a variety of software supporting platforms. Applying this especially in the area of new enterprise.
Teaching interests
Advanced Business Strategy; Entrepreneurship.
Other interests
Keyboards, photography and sports cars. Angel investing and managing his consultancy and software firm, Dialectyx which offers on–line and direct educational services in entrepreneurship to universities and companies under the brand names MyFirstMillion™ and MyBusinessInstinct™ respectively.