Dr Rebecca Sugden
- College positions:
Deputy Senior Tutor (Postgraduates)FellowCollege Lecturer in FrenchDirector of Studies in History and Modern LanguagesDirector of Studies in Modern and Medieval LanguagesPostgraduate Tutor
- Subjects: History and Modern Languages Modern & Medieval Languages
BA, Modern and Medieval Languages (French and Spanish), University of Cambridge (2011-14)
MPhil, European and Comparative Literatures and Cultures, University of Cambridge (2014-15)
PhD, French, University of Cambridge (2015-18)
Research interests
I specialise in nineteenth-century French literature, with a particular interest in the relationship between the novel and the political history of the period. My current book project explores the interplay between literary fiction and conspiracy thinking in July Monarchy France (1830-48). More broadly, I maintain research interests in cultural history, literary theory, and the history of French thought. For regular updates, including my CV, please see my academia.edu page.
Teaching interests
I supervise, lecture and examine for a range of language and literature papers for the French section of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics. I teach at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, including:
- Fr1 – Introduction to French Literature, Linguistics, Film and Thought
- FrB2 – Translation from French
- Fr5 – Revolutions in Writing, 1700-1900
- Year Abroad Projects
- Fr11 – Gender, Desire and Power in Nineteenth-Century French Culture
- MPhil in European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures – Core Course in Critical Theory; Marginalities in Nineteenth-Century European Culture
Awards and prizes
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association Larry Schehr Memorial Award (2019)
George Sand Association Memorial Prize (2019)
Society of Dix-Neuviémistes Publication Prize (2019)
Society of Dix-Neuviémistes Postgraduate Prize (2018)
Society for French Studies R. Gapper Postgraduate Essay Prize (2018, runner up)
Society for French Studies R. Gapper Postgraduate Essay Prize (2017, runner up)
Nineteenth-Century French Studies Association Naomi Schor Memorial Award (2016)
Select publications
Secret Histories: Fictions of Conspiracy in Nineteenth-Century France (monograph, under review)
‘Terre(ur): Reading the Landscape of Conspiracy in Balzac’s Une ténébreuse affaire’, Nineteenth-Century French Studies, 47.1-2 (Fall-Winter 2018-19): 48-65
‘Lignes brouillées dans La Bête humaine’, Les Cahiers naturalistes, 91 (2017): 85-96