Dr David Hosking
- College positions:
Research Fellow
- Subjects:
Masters in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, DPhil in Astrophysics (University of Oxford)
Research interests
Much of the visible matter in the Universe exists as magnetised plasma in a state of chaotic, turbulent motion. I am interested in the complex roles that magnetic fields play in generating and mediating this turbulence. A particular interest is how microphysical plasma-physics processes like “magnetic reconnection”, whereby the topology of magnetic-field lines changes, can conspire to control dynamics on the largest astrophysical scales.
Teaching Interests
In the past I have taught undergraduate physics courses on mathematical methods, thermal and statistical physics, fluid dynamics and plasma turbulence.
D.N. Hosking and A.A. Schekochihin, Reconnection-controlled decay of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and the role of invariants, Phys. Rev. X 11, 041005 (2021)
D.N. Hosking, A.A. Schekochihin, and S.A. Balbus, Elasticity of tangled magnetic fields, J. Plasma Phys. 86, 905860511 (2020)
D.N. Hosking and L. Sironi, A first-principle model for polarisation swings during reconnection-powered flares, Astrophys. J. Lett. 900 L23 (2020)
A full list of publications is available here.